Students from the University of Oulu succeeded in a business idea competition
Students from the University of Oulu have succeeded in the recent business idea competitions. In the Kickstart competition, they secured second and third place, while at the Slush Oulu Community Side Event, university teams claimed first and third place.
Patent granted for drug candidate intended for cancer treatment
A potential new drug candidate developed by researchers at the University of Oulu has been granted a patent in Europe. The drug is a small molecular chemical compound that is especially suited for cancer treatment.
Researchers receive up-to-date information on Business Finland’s financing instruments
The last Business Finland financing info sessions of the year provided researchers at the University of Oulu with a comprehensive package of instruments available for funding applications.
Call for Applications: Proof-of-Concept (PoC) Funding
The PoC (Proof-of-Concept) funding for the year 2024 is now open for applications. It can be applied by researchers and students of University of Oulu for as long as funds are available.
The IN-PART platform enables the commercialization of research
The University of Oulu uses the IN-PART platform, which serves as a kind of showcase for the university’s research expertise.
Thank you for participating in the University Business Forum!
#UBF2023 was celebrated yesterday among 150 participants. The day was filled with interesting discussions, insightful ideas and much more!
You still have time to sign up for the University Business Forum! Register by October 5.
You still have time to register for the UBF 2023! Register by October 5.
GP-kOulutus got a trademark
The University of Oulu organizes a training called GP-kOulutus and it has been granted a trademark in Finland.
Professor Lloyd Ruddock got an award for the development and commercialization of CyDisCo technology
At the opening of the University of Oulu’s academic year on September 4, 2023, meritorious persons in the university community were awarded.
What a turnout in the Open Day – students got more information about the services provided to them by the Innovation Centre
Open Day was held at the Innovation Centre as part of the Pohjat event – Entrepreneurship Week of Northern Ostrobothnia.
Do you want to know more about intellectual property rights? Come to the autumn trainings and take over IPR matters!
During the autumn, there will be several training sessions for researchers and students at the University of Oulu, which will help to take over IPR matters.
The city of Oulu supports the Proof-of-Concept activities of educational institutions in the Oulu region for three years
The city of Oulu finances PoC (Proof-of-Concept) activities for three years (2023–2025) at the University of Oulu, Oulu University of Applied Sciences and OSAO.
June 9: InnoVisitor Marko Heikkinen from Pipelife: university and company cooperation
InnoVisitor on Friday 6th of June from 9 to 10 a.m. In University’s Innovation Centre or remote.
23 funded projects to celebrate
Researchers who received Business Finland funding during 2022 were celebrated today at the University of Oulu.
Get familiar with CC licenses
The InnoWebinars, organised by the Innovation Centre, are intended to provide information on IPR, i.e. intellectual property rights. Kirsi Salmela, Head of Legal at Kopiosto, educated about copyright last week and answered, among other things, the following questions.
InnoWebinar: Copyright and CC licenses
What do CC or Creative Commons licenses mean? What rights do I get as a user?
New Patents of University of Oulu
Seitsemälle Oulun yliopistossa kehitetylle keksinnölle myönnettiin patentti vuonna 2022. Uudet keksinnöt mahdollistavat sähkökeraamien kestävämmän valmistuksen, toimivat laserpohjaisen etäisyysmittauksen ja kuvantamisen eri vaiheissa ja mahdollistavat energian harvestointia eri energiamuodoista.
BF Roadshow - Boldly Towards Changes
Business Finland Roadshow tours Finland’s university clusters this spring. The Oulu event was attended by Teija Lahti-Nuuttila, Executive Director of Network Services.
InnoWebinar: Artificial intelligence and copyright
Who owns the copyright if the work is made using artificial intelligence?