Call for Applications: Proof-of-Concept (PoC) Funding


The PoC (Proof-of-Concept) funding for the year 2024 is now open for applications. It can be applied by researchers and students of University of Oulu for as long as funds are available. The total funding allocated for the year 2024 is €300,000.

The funding aims to discover concepts with commercial potential that:

  • Are eligible for Business Finland's "Research to Business" funding (or equivalent)

  • Can be commercialized as a new startup or licensed to an existing company

    • Business opportunities for the idea

Compared to previous years, the application process for funding has changed. Before filling out the application form, please contact the Business Development Managers at the University Innovation Centre to schedule a meeting:

  • Janne Haverinen, janne.haverinen(at), puh. +358504710644

  • Markku Känsäkoski, markku.kansakoski(at), puh. +358504730561

For more detailed instructions, check (internal links of University) the call for applications and the Patio page of PoC funding.


Researchers receive up-to-date information on Business Finland’s financing instruments


The IN-PART platform enables the commercialization of research