The city of Oulu supports the Proof-of-Concept activities of educational institutions in the Oulu region for three years

The city of Oulu finances PoC (Proof-of-Concept) activities for three years (2023–2025) at the University of Oulu, Oulu University of Applied Sciences and OSAO. The funding was granted from the development fund of the city of Oulu.

The city of Oulu has already participated in PoC activities in three educational institutions in the Oulu region in the previous three years. The positive results encouraged us to continue the operation. Funding has been distributed at the University of Oulu since 2015, and three years ago the operation also started at the Oulu University of Applied Sciences and the OSAO.

PoC funding aims at making the first implementation of an invention or idea. The purpose of the funding is to improve the conditions for creating research and student-oriented business opportunities.

Every year at the University of Oulu, 10-20 researcher- or student-driven projects receive funding.

Last year, in addition to prototypes, PoC funding resulted in, for example, two successful applications for Business Finland's Research to Business (R2B) funding, good patent applications and new inventions.


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June 9: InnoVisitor Marko Heikkinen from Pipelife: university and company cooperation