Seven invention disclosures for the most active University of Oulu inventor


In year 2021 University of Oulu received 41 invention disclosures.

The most active inventor was Professor Antti Tölli from Centre for Wireless Communications. He made seven inventions with his co-workers in customer-financed research projects. Altogether Antti has reported 23 different inventions during the last eight years.

Antti is researching telecommunication technology and related signal processing and resource management challenges. He says that optimization for the implementation of multi-antenna systems has kept him busy in recent years.

When asking why he is making invention disclosures he explains that the main output of the customer-financed research project is invention disclosure that can be utilized in the standardization work of telecommunication systems. In addition, the work helps keep up to date with what is happening in the industry. At best, new ideas lead to both, the filing of a patent application and a new scientific publication.

Inventions generated in the research unit are also often monitored. On average, more than half of Antti’s inventions are patented or patent-pending. “If an idea related to an invention is accepted as part of a standard then it will probably end up in the product, at some point”, Antti sums up.

This text is written based on Antti’s interview first published in the Innovation Centre newsletter 02/2022.


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