University Business Forum

University Business Forum 2022, the University of Oulu's main business and stakeholder cooperation event, will be held on Thursday 6 October. Linnanmaa campus. The theme this year is "Power to renew".

Time: Thu Oct 6, 2022 at 8:30 am - 1 pm
Place: Saalasti Hall, Linnanmaa Campus, Oulu

UBF2022’s theme is "Power to renew", which highlights our collective opportunities for change and impact. At the 4th UBF you will get highlights from University of Oulu’s newest research-based knowledge, ideas and practices for your business.

Welcome to our main session and thematic sessions. Let’s get inspired for collaboration!

Participation to this half-day event is free of charge. The language of the event is English, though one thematic session is organized in Finnish.


InnoVisitor: IP Monetization


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