Network and learn new at InnoVisitor events


InnoVisitor is a networking event for researchers and stakeholders organised by the University of Oulu Innovation Centre. The series of events started in spring 2022 and after the summer break the next event will be held on August 25.

InnoVisitor offers interesting guests, new information and networking on the “research to innovation” theme.

Ilkka Juuso told the audience in May about the process of writing a first non-fiction book. He has delved into medical device development and regulation issues. You can find the text of Ilkka’s visit here.

Sami Aromaa discussed with the audience about inventions emerging at the university and how to identify them. He presented, for example, the journey from “the Eureka moment” of an invention to its patenting and scientific publication. You can find the text about the stages of invention here.

In InnoVisitor you can ask questions, learn new and deepen your own expertise with visiting professionals.

So come and hear how research results can generate new business. What can that mean? How do you collaborate with companies?

The next InnoVisitor event will take place on August 25 from 1pm to 2pm. The theme of the event is “regional differences in the early growth phase of the company”, which Ossi Kotavaara tells us about. Ossi is the Research Director of the Interdisciplinary Regional Excellence (ReX) Group.

The events are held at the University's Innovation Center and remotely through Teams.

The events are held in Finnish.

Additional information: maarit.jokela(at)


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