A record number of inventions from two faculties

Last year, a record number of inventions were created in both the Faculty of Technology and the Faculty of Science, when you look back at the statistics up to 2015. That's when the current faculty structure came into force.

Researchers from the Faculty of Technology announced 15 inventions, while 5 inventions came from the Faculty of Science.

In the competition between faculties, as in previous years, the Faculty of Information and Electrical Engineering won with 26 inventions, while the total number of inventions was 52 (41 in 2021).

Inventions resulted in patent applications, Research to Business projects funded by Business Finland and technology transfer agreements with companies. You can read more about the results here.

Report an invention

Always remember to report your invention before publishing. The notification obligation is based on the Higher Education Invention Act.

Announcing new inventions also benefits financially. Last year, the university paid inventors various rewards for inventions of more than 60,000 euros. Fees are paid for the invention disclosure, patent application and grant, as well as the net income the university receives from companies when the invention is commercialized.


InnoWebinar: Artificial intelligence and copyright


InnoWebinars about IPR for Researchers and Teachers