InnoWebinars about IPR for Researchers and Teachers

Innovation Centre's webinars are back in spring 2023 as renewed InnoWebinar-series. Hour-long webinars handle different themes of immaterial property rights, and they're held in Finnish and English. InnoWebinars are arranged by Innovation Agent Maarit Jokela.

We recommend webinars for research team leaders, project managers and teachers as well as for those working in research or education support .

Participation doesn't require registration. The links below are internal links of University of Oulu.

Webinar dates and themes

February 8th (FI) & 22th (ENG): Why and how do I report an invention?

In research projects, one of the metrics is often inventions, because they create new business opportunities. Did you know that a fee is paid for inventions and the university grants funding for the first implementation of an idea/invention?

March 15th (FI) & 22th (ENG): Copyright in education in a nutshell

Opetustehtävissä on jatkuvasti tekemisissä tekijänoikeudella suojattujen materiaalien kanssa. Osa niistä on omia, osa työkavereiden ja osa taas on saatavilla kirjoista ja internetistä. Tiedätkö, kuka tekijänoikeudet omistaa? Mitä Kopioston lupa mahdollistaa? Tunnetko kuvasitaatin ja CC-lisenssit?

April 5th (FI) & 19th (EN): Patenting - when and why?

Have you thought patenting of your own invention? When would be the correct time? What benefits patenting will give?

May 3th (FI) & 17th (ENG): Who owns the IPR?

IPR-matters arise frequently in research projects. Business partners may ask about the benefits of participating in the project. On what price do they get their hands on emerging inventions?

InnoWebinars also return by fall. Please suggest themes you would like to hear about in: Maarit.Jokela(at)


A record number of inventions from two faculties


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