InnoVisitor: Business cooperation in research

InnoVisitor is a networking event for researchers and stakeholders. Interesting guests, new information and networking by the theme "from research to innovation".  

When: Thursday January 12, 2 PM – 3 PM. 

Where: University of Oulu, Innovation Centre

No preregistration. 

Visiting Juho Yliniemi 

Juho Yliniemi works as a junior assistant professor at the Faculty of Technology in the Fiber and Particle Engineering Research Unit. One important research direction of the unit is industrial mineral side streams and their utilization in building materials – for example, geopolymers. Since both side streams and final products are formed in companies' industrial processes, business cooperation is an important part of research.

At the InnoVisitor event, we will hear from Juho how a business cooperation network is built and what cooperation is like in practice. Juho also presents the company he founded, Keko Geopolymerit Oy, which was founded based on research at the University of Oulu.

Event in English if needed.

Additional info:  


  • Innovation Centre can be found in the middle of Linnanmaa campus first floor, near R-door.



Renewed Cooperation Fundings


Big business perspective to IP – September’s Innovisitor