Renewed Cooperation Fundings

Business Finland updates funding services for research organizations and introduces a new Co-Research funding option. The changes are further explained in the January 11th webinar.

Business Finland’s funding services for research organizations and their joint projects with businesses are being renewed according to the gathered feedback. The changes affect the requirements and levels of funding in Co-Innovation and Co-Creation fundings. The newly introduced Co-Research funding is introduced for research projects creating new business opportunities for Finnish export industries.

The Co-Creation projects are now required to build financially potential cooperation and create international collaboration and networks. Co-Innovation funding has changed in the evaluation of export potential and assessing the effectiveness of the project. Also, the amount and quality of international cooperation is now affecting the funding.

BF arranges a webinar on January 11th to further elaborate these changes. The event is held in English. Business Finland page about the changes and Business Finland webinar event page.


Good results with PoC funding


InnoVisitor: Business cooperation in research