Big business perspective to IP – September’s Innovisitor

Our Innovisitor series continued in September with insights on IP monetization. Mika Pinolehto shared his expertise on the matter with us.

On 22nd of September our Innovisitor networking series continued, and we were glad to have Mika Pinolehto, IPR Business Manager and Patent Attorney from Berggren Oy talking about his experiences on intellectual property (IP) monetization.

We asked Mika to cover the topic of monetizing IP from the perspective of professional patent attorney and patent brokerage. While in general IP includes more than patent related assets, on this occasion the focus was mainly on patents.

Our main interests of successful IP monetization, valuation of IP and analysing potential buyers were met with insights on finding the possible outside need for your IP. He also gave examples and practical steps for proceeding in licensing, providing some new ideas and strategies to consider in the process.

It became also apparent that IP monetization is very often tied to litigation considerations and cross-licensing when it is exercised in more mature businesses. If you’re interested in learning more about the presentation, you can get the whole presentation by contacting us (See Writers page).


InnoVisitor: Business cooperation in research


InnoVisitor: IP Monetization