The Finnish Research Impact Foundation offers funding opportunities for researchers

People are sitting around tables and listening to the presentation.

There’s no shortage of fascinating and important research topics, but where to find the funding? As Petro Poutanen highlighted at InnoVisitor, there are many options — like through The Finnish Research Impact Foundation! Here are their funding opportunities.

TIA Seed funding

Strengthening Finland’s global competitiveness requires attracting and integrating top-level talent into domestic research and business activities. The Finnish Research Impact Foundation is piloting a new Tandem Industry Academia Seed funding, intended for researchers who have recently entered the Finnish research funding system, are in the early stages of their careers, and are on the professor career path. The aim of this funding is to initiate and accelerate research work and business collaboration that will create significant advancements in developing Finland’s expertise and enhancing its global competitiveness.

Researchers who have been employed at a Finnish university or research institute for a maximum of three years and who have spent at least five consecutive years abroad before arriving in Finland are eligible to apply. The applicant must be on the professor career path and must not have received significant research funding from Finland.

Seed funding is intended to kick-start business collaboration within the professor’s own research in Finland. The project may include costs for salaries, overheads, travel, and materials. Additionally, the funding can be used for publication and collaboration-related expenses. Up to 20% of the total budget may be allocated to the applicant’s own salary costs. At least two companies must participate as collaboration partners in the project.

TIA Professor funding

TIA Professor funding is intended to support joint research projects undertaken by professors working at universities and research institutes in partnership with an industrial company. The funding has a dual objective: On the one hand, it will give academic partners first-hand knowledge about relevant areas of research interest for industry partners; and on the other hand, it will give industry partners unique access to top-tier research insights in the fields of their interest.

Projects may involve precompetitive research and other supportive activities. The funding covers the professor’s salary costs for 12 months spread out over a maximum of three years. During the funding period the TIA Professor will spend a period equivalent to one full year working in facilities provided by the industrial host.

TIA Professor funding is intended for professorial academics working at universities and government research institutes. The grant ensures a competitive salary and covers other possible costs, such as travel, equipment and publishing expenses. The industrial host contributes by providing in-kind resources, including the physical workspace and other facilities needed by the TIA Professor. Applications are submitted by the professor together with the industrial host and the academic research organization. The funding is paid out to the academic organization, with which the professor remains in an employment relationship.

Applications are invited from applicants holding a professorial position (e.g. professor, tenure-track professor, research director, chief researcher) at a Finnish university or government research institute

  • Applicants shall have an employment contract with their university or government research institute

  • The funding is paid out to the applicant’s host organization, with which the professor will remain in an employment relationship throughout the TIA Professorship

  • The industrial host shall provide the professor with the necessary workspace and other facilities

  • The industrial host is expected to contribute in-kind resources to the project

  • The funding provides for a 10% raise to the professor’s current salary for the duration of the funding period (12 months)

  • The TIA Professor’s joint project with the industrial host may include precompetitive research and/or other supportive activities.

The application period is 2.9.-13.10. Read more on FRIF website.


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