Call for Applications: Proof-of-Concept (PoC) Funding
The PoC (Proof-of-Concept) funding for the year 2025 is now open for applications. It aims to execute the first implementation of an invention or idea having commercial potential.
You can apply for two different PoC funding:
PoC funding of Univ. Oulu & City of Oulu to research and student teams (total 300 000 €)
New Innovation Initiaves (NII) funding related to the topics of the 6G Enabling Sustainable Society (6GESS) project to research teams (total 60 000 €)
Both funding types can be applied for as long as funds are available. OBS! Funding in point 1 must be used before 30th November 2025.
The funding aims to discover concepts with commercial potential that:
Are eligible for Business Finland's "Research to Business" funding (or equivalent)
Can be commercialized as a new startup or licensed to an existing company
Business opportunities for the idea
How to apply for the funding?
Read the funding call
Contact Business Development Managers of University Innovation Centre to arrange a meeting where you shall present your idea:
Janne Haverinen,, +358504710644
Markku Känsäkoski,, +358504730561
During the meeting, be prepared to discuss:
Business opportunity
How has the problem been solved currently?
Novelty of your idea
Project goals for the PoC phase
Commercialization plan (next steps after PoC project)
Team members involved in the project
3. If your proposal fits to PoC or6GESS NII funding, fill the application form (you will get it from Markku or Janne after the meeting) and submit it to Kirjaamo.
Applications are processed by the Innovation Centre´s PoC funding team. Approximately two weeks after submitting your application, you will receive either a request for additional information or a decision regarding the approval or rejection of your funding application.