2.12. InnoWebinar: Copyright, Data Protection, Privacy, and Research Ethics


Copyright, data protection, and privacy are terms that are often confused. What protects what? How should these aspects be considered when planning and conducting research? And how does research ethics come into play?


  • In research, photographs taken by participants are used. These images include both the photographers and other individuals.

  • Participants are asked to draw pictures according to given instructions during the research.

  • Participants are monitored during the research by recording their voices or videotaping them.

Do you know how to address data protection, privacy, and copyright in these situations? How do we ensure adherence to good scientific practices?

Join our webinar and learn more!

The webinar will be conducted by Maarit Jokela, the IPR Manager from the University of Oulu.

Welcome! No pre-registration required! The webinar will be held in English.

The same webinar will be held in Finnish on November 28.




How to master intellectual property rights? By participating in fall training sessions of course!