6.5.-7.5. Learn to use patent databases


Did you know that up 80 % of all technical information can be found only from patent publications? Scientific articles alone won't unveil the complete landscape of current knowledge. 

Patents are not only important when making inventions. Utilize their information also when you plan a new research project. Impress the funders!

Learn how to search patent databases and how to find most important information from patent publication. Course contains lectures but the main focus is in practical exercises.

When and Where?

Part 1/2: 6.5.2024 at 12.00-16

Part 2/2: 7.5.2024 at 9.00-12

To whom?

MSc and PhD students, researchers and all interested in patent information


Peppi (course code 920013J), Osku staff training portal or email to Maarit.Jokela@oulu.fi at latest 2nd May 2024

Course program


Maarit Jokela, Anne Kivinen and Pertti Martinmäki, University of Oulu


12.6. InnoWebinar: From Idea to Innovation — Reporting, Funding, and Commercializing an Invention


15.5. InnoWebinaari: IPR-oikeudet tutkimusprojekteissa