World Intellectual Property Day on 26 April celebrates inventions and inventors — in 2023, 51 new inventions were reported at the University of Oulu! 

April 26 - World Intellectual Property Day.

World IP Day was initiated by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). It is an annual holiday celebrated on 26 April to draw global attention to the importance of creativity and inventions as contributors to the prosperity and well-being of society. Intellectual property refers to intangible rights, also known as intellectual property rights. These include copyright, patents and trademarks. 

We at the University of Oulu will also celebrate inventions and inventors on 26 April with University Inventor Day! At the event, we will reveal and reward our University of Oulu researchers with the most invention disclosures in 2023. We will also hear inspiring talks from our researchers. Read more about the event and register by 19 April! 

Dozens of inventions per year from the University of Oulu 

The University of Oulu makes a whole bunch of new inventions every year. In 2023, 51 were reported. The Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering was the largest contributor (22). The Faculty of Technology (13) and the Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine (10) came next. Last year, the University of Oulu patented seven inventions. 

The University of Oulu aims to commercialise research results that bring economic benefits to the researcher, the university and society. The commercial use of research results supports the research work carried out at the University, for example by providing additional funding for research. Last year, the University of Oulu received Business Finland's Research to Business (R2B) funding for three new projects. The aim of the funding is to create new research-based business. 

For more information on topics such as commercialisation of research results, intellectual property rights, business idea development, applying for Business Finland research funding or building a network of cooperation with businesses, please contact the Innovation Centre's experts

Learn more 

This spring, the Innovation Centre will organise the following trainings and events related to intangible property: 


Researcher, use the reports on Frost & Sullivan market database for free, they would normally cost thousands of euros!


Buutti Oy joined InnoVisitor — story from the idea of students to a growth company