The Innovation Centre team welcomes our new Marketing Planner!


In her role, Niina will be responsible for ensuring that the experts and services of the Innovation Centre are visible both externally and within the University of Oulu.

"I was looking for a meaningful job, and I found one! I get to work towards ensuring that research results are utilized, for example, in the form of new companies, products, and services," Niina says.

Niina holds a Master's degree in Business Administration from the University of Oulu, with a major in marketing. Her career so far has been focused on the IT sector, from which she has gained valuable insights into the work: an open company culture, good team spirit, and the opportunity to innovate are the highlights of her work.

"The best starting point for marketing is, of course, when you can communicate genuinely good vibes both externally and internally and when you're working towards a better future. Here at the Innovation Centre, I get to do just that. The team here is really nice and competent, and it's great to be involved in promoting the voice of science and researchers."

Niina's first few days at work have involved tasks such as taking over social media channels, editing blog posts, and of course, getting to know the people and activities of the Innovation Centre and the University of Oulu.

"Writing, working with people, and immersing myself in the world of visual marketing are my favorite activities in the field of marketing. It's great that in this job, I get to focus on both daily communication and shaping broader marketing strategies."

Exercise and music bring balance to Niina's everyday life.

"I try my best to keep myself in shape and remember to rest — it's important in office work! In addition to exercise, various singing and band activities refresh my mind."

Niina Pakonen
Marketing planner, Oulun yliopiston Innovaatiokeskus


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