Business project guidelines were updated


Business project practices have been harmonized at the Innovation Centre during the autumn and the guide has now been published. 

“Business projects carried out by the University of Oulu in cooperation with companies and stakeholders, such as contract research, have been growing in recent years,” says Jouko Uusitalo, Director of the Innovation Centre. 

The need to update the guide has emerged in practical work. “The guidance on business projects has been incomplete and fragmented. With the guidelines we have now made, we unify practices and make the work of personnel planning the projects easier, e.g. in pricing, making an offer and project contract matters,” tells Uusitalo.

The aim was to collect the scattered guidance in one place. The guide is now available to the University of Oulu staff on the Patio (OBS! Internal link).

More info

We are organizing two webinars related to guidance: on December 21, 2023 at 9-9.45 in Finnish (internal link) and 10-10.45 in English (internal link). You will receive more information about the planning and implementation of business projects.


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