Appropriate documentation plays a key role in medical device development projects


Ilkka Juuso, who spoke at the InnoVisitor event organised at the University’s Innovation Centre on May, was involved in establishing Cerenion Oy, a research-based spin-off company of the University of Oulu. He emphasised the importance of paying attention to appropriate documentation as early as in the research phase when aiming to develop a medical device.

Documentation initiated and designed early on will help identify the aspects that must be taken into account as the project progresses. It is also a lot easier to obtain a sales permit for your product if you have paid attention to documentation from the idea stage onwards. In other words, don’t wait until you set up a company, but get your documentation in shape right away. There’s no need to do the bulk of the work in the beginning, but whatever you do, make sure it can be used in the future.

Documentation gives visibility to the project and enables information to be shared with interested networks and potential cooperation partners. Working on documentation often clarifies questions concerning the protection of the invention. Patents make the company more interesting to investors.

Scientific articles describing the development and testing of a medical device also boost the company’s credibility.

Cerenion Oy is a company founded by researchers of the University of Oulu, which is developing a tool for measuring the brain function of patients in intensive care. Ilkka Juuso began delving into the regulation of medical devices during the Research to Business project funded by Business Finland.

At the University of Oulu, the Innovation Centre provides help with protecting inventions and setting up companies.


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Research to Business (R2B) Boot camp - Fall 2022