24.4. Teacher, researcher, student: Get to know copyrights!

Wondering about copyright? How can I utilize different materials in teaching and research? When do I need a permit? What are my rights? What does Kopiosto's copy license allow? Who owns IPR rights in universities?

Come to copyright training! The course is held in FINNISH.

When? 24th April 2024 klo 9.00 - 15.00

Where? Online: Zoom link

To whom? For teachers, researchers, students, and others interested in copyrights.

  • Students have the opportunity to receive 0.5 ECTS, others a certificate.

Teachers: Kirsi Salmela, Kopiosto ry ja Maarit Jokela, University of Oulu

Registration: the University of Oulu intranet, or by e-mail (maarit.jokela@oulu.fi).


10.4. 24.4. and 8.5. Practical tips for company collaboration for researchers info series


April 26 — University Inventor Day