April 4 - InnoWebinar: Design rights in protecting graphic user interfaces and architecture

  • Thursday, April 4 from 15-16

  • Online (Zoom)

Welcome to our InnoWebinar where we delve into the intricacies of design rights! Design rights can be used to protect the appearance and shape of a product. In this webinar, we will focus on design rights, particularly from the perspective of graphic user interfaces and architecture in applications such as computer programs.

  • What is a design right? 

  • Conditions for obtaining protection 

  • Exclusive right granted by design right 

  • Application of design right in protecting graphic user interfaces and architecture

    • What can be protected? 

    • Why is it worthwhile to seek protection?

    •  Examples of protected subjects

The speaker for this event is Sini Petsalo, who works as IP Lawyer & Licensed Trial Counsel, Patent Attorney, European Trademark and Design Attorney at Kolster Oy.

Welcome! No pre-registration required!


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