January 17. Business Finland Champions Awards

  • Wednesday, January 17 from 13 to 16 pm.

  • Saalasti Hall, Linnanmaa Campus

Welcome to celebrate the projects that received funding from Business Finland in 2023!

Program of the event:

12:0013:00 Lunch for representatives of 2023 funded projects in Saalasti's hall

General program:

13:00 Congrats to new projects 2023 / Arto Maaninen, Vice Rector for co-operation

13:1513:30 Greetings from Business Finland / 6G Ecosystems and Industries

13:3014:00 Project presentations and Project presentation area

6G-ISAC, Markku Juntti

TORQS, Matti Silveri

CAAMA, Ulla Lassi

14:0014:15 Greetings from a company

14:1515:00 Coffee, cake and conversations

Registration by Tuesday, January 12, 2024.



December 14. InnoVisitor: Situational picture of new entrepreneurship and researcher's observations of the Nordic countries


November 29. Business Finland funding info