Why engage in research collaboration with the University?
Written by Petri Leukkunen
When running a hectic business, it is difficult to find the time to study new topics and opportunities in any greater detail. However, the world continues to change, and renewal and new innovations are needed. This is where research can help.
Change is certain
Some industries undergo major changes that require investments and measures on a whole different scale. New professions emerge, while others fade away. Technologies and operating models become obsolete.
Change can be a threat or an opportunity.
Those capable of change keep up with the field. Future success comes from seizing new opportunities. This has always been the case and will continue to be so.
Change is challenging
Renewal may require you to link several new technology subfields and brand new competence to your activities.
For example, digitalisation may mean digitally modelling a production process, measuring the process using new methods and steering the process in a new way, based on process data that has been collected and analysed.
Analysis is based on artificial intelligence. Operations may become more data-driven. No industry can afford to ignore change.
Obtaining new competence and knowledge calls for time and personnel resources. The recruitment of new resources involves risks, but collaboration networks mitigate these.
It is difficult to see the forest for the trees if you try to do everything on your own. Decision-making is easier if you can use insight into various alternatives and assessments of how new solutions suit your operations.
Solutions are increasingly multisectoral in nature. Good research and an appropriate setup cover all the necessary subfields and provide answers on a suitable scale.
Renewal obviously involves risks related to timing, measures, technology, markets and competition. Even if they are good, ideas do not always take off. Collaborative research also means sharing the risk of failure.
Engines of change
Digitalisation, artificial intelligence, autonomous devices, low-carbon aspects, renewable energy, climate neutrality, new materials, imaging, health and wellbeing are some of the topics that currently generate great interest. These themes offer numerous opportunities, as well as threats. They are also a popular topic in RD&I.
Tell us about your needs
Let the university know about your goals and needs. It is best to discuss things regularly, even if you have never collaborated with us or do not enter into collaboration immediately.
Sometimes, your company’s research needs can be linked to a larger project. If the University is familiar with your company and its needs, it can propose suitable collaboration projects.
To get started, contact us at the University of Oulu Innovation Centre, where we look forward to discussing your needs. We can also invite suitable researchers to take part in the discussion!
More info
Petri Leukkunen, customer manager, petri.leukkunen(at)oulu.fi, +358294481162
Kaisa Still, customer manager, kaisa.still(at)oulu.fi, +358294488030
Petri Leukkunen
Asiakkuuspäällikkö // Customer Manager
+358 4504 351 184, petri.leukkunen@oulu.fi
Yritysyhteistyö tutkimuksessa sekä tuki Business Finland Co-Innovation ja Veturiekosysteemirahoituksessa.
Business cooperation in research and support in Business Finland Co-Innovation and Leading Companies Ecosystem funding.